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External JWT Signers

External JWT Signers allow external identity providers to facilitate authentication with a Ziti network. External JWT Signers can be added as a static x509 certificate or via a JWKS endpoint. Authenticating clients can provide a JWT as a primary authentication mechanism to obtain an API Session. Additionally, the JWT can be required on all REST API calls if desired by using an Authentication Policy that requires it as a secondary factor.

JWT is described in RFC 7519 and on Wikipedia. X509 PKI is described in RFC 5280 an on Wikipedia


External JWT Signers are used in conjunction with Authentication Policies to allow identities to authenticate using a JWT. External JWT Signers can be configured to match an identity through the claimsProperty and useExternalId fields. claimsProperty can change which field in the JWT is matched to the id or externalId on an identity. useExternalId when true will match the claimsProperty to an identity's externalId field. If false, it will match to the id field.

Note: externalId values on identities are enforced to be unique.

claimsProperty can contain JWT standard claims or private claims. An example usage would be an email JWT private claim and Ziti identities with externalId set to email addresses.

x509 Certificate

If the JWT provider has a static x509 certificate, it is possible define an External JWT Signer using the PEM encoded public certificate of the signer. If the JWT provider has JWKS endpoint support it is strongly recommended to create an External JWT Signer using the JWKS endpoint. External JWT Signers configured with a static x509 certificate will need maintenance during key rotation and certificate expiration. For these operations the edge management API can be used for external automation.

JWKS Endpoint

JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) is defined in RFC7517 Section 5 and is used by many popular IdPs (Auth0, Okta) in order to enable external JWT verification. External JWT Signers configured with a JWKS endpoint allows an identity provider to rotate keys and bridge signer certificate expiration windows.

JWT Validation

External JTW Signers are used to validate JWTs for authentication. This validation requires the following:

  • the iss field on the JWT must match the issuer field on the External JWT Signer
  • the aud field on the JWT must match the audience field on the External JWT Signer
  • the sub or field defined by claimsProperty must match the id field on an identity (or externalid if useExternal is true)
  • the JWT must be signed by the x509 certificate or a JWK from the JWKS endpoint defined on the External JWT Signer
  • the JWT kid must match the External JWT kid field for x509 certificates or the kid in a JWKS response
  • the JWT must not be expired


An External JWT Signer that uses a private email claim and matches on externalId with a JWKS endpoint can be created as follows:

POST /edge/management/v1/ext-jwt-signers

"name": "My External JWT Signer",
"enabled": true,
"issuer": "my-issuer",
"audience": "my-audience",
"jwksEndpoint": "",
"claimsProperty": "email",
"useExternalId": true

An External JWT Signer that uses the sub claim and matches on id with a x509 certificate can be created as follows:

POST /edge/management/v1/ext-jwt-signers

"name": "My External JWT Signer",
"enabled": true,
"issuer": "my-issuer",
"audience": "my-audience",
"kid": "2gh80220",
"certPem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMII...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"

External Authentication URL & Client Authentication

Unauthenticated clients can enumerate External JWT Signers that have an externalAuthUrl property. Clients will receive the name of the External JWT Signer and the externalAuthUrl only. This information can allow clients to initiate client authentication to the target identity provider.

Example Client External JWT Signer response:

GET /edge/client/v1/external-jwt-signers

"data": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "./external-jwt-signers/eZjzX3U1u"
"id": "eZjzX3U1u",
"name": "my-ext-jwt-signer",
"externalAuthUrl": "https://my-site/authenticate"
"meta": {}